Adam Burke

Adam Burke, a Purple Heart veteran with 9 years’ service in the Army, returned from his deployments with multiple wounds of war. Through farming and returning to his roots, Adam has overcome his injuries and has given back to fellow disabled veterans by establishing a horticulture therapy program on his farm.

After Adam’s recovery he decided to return to his roots in blueberry farming, and created a farm to help other disabled veterans. Through farming, both Adam’s physical and mental conditions improved.

In 2011, Adam was one of the first veterans to receive support from the Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund, Bob Woodruff Farming Fellowship. This fellowship enabled Adam to acquire his first acre and a half of berries. He planted his blueberry bushes above ground in 30 gallon containers, so that the farm could be wheelchair-accessible. Adam and his wife Michele have since taken on a second, larger piece of property through the generous help of Work Vessels for Veterans. Adam has since launched Project Blueberry and Veterans Farm into a growing business and sanctuary for disabled veterans.

More Info

Military Branch: U.S. Army

Product: Blueberries

Awarded: Bob Woodruff Farming Fellowship


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